Monday, March 10, 2008

THR3E (1½ stars)

Have you seen Adaptation? If so, do you remember that movie pitch Donald Kaufman gives Charlie, about the cop, the criminal and the girl all being one and the same person? (“Isn’t that fucked up?”) Well, somebody actually made that movie, and called it THR3E.

This movie is terrible. The dialogue is clunky, on-the-nose, and just plain bad. The actors really can’t get into their roles, and frankly, I don’t blame them. The characters don’t make sense. The officers don’t seem to understand law enforcement. The story is ridiculous, and not in a funny way, but rather a really stupid, you-feel-dumber-for-having-watched-this kind of way.

And then there’s the ending – wow, the ending. It’s so ridiculous it actually makes the whole experience worthwhile. I’m dead serious. I’m actually glad I bore with this movie through to the end, because I’ve never seen anything quite like it. I never would have imagined an idea this idiotic could actually make it into the big screen. It put a smile on my face. It really did.

Even though I’m glad I saw this movie, I can’t respectably give it a passing grade. 1½ star(s)

1 comment:

Inkpot said...

I thought of Adaptation too when I saw this movie. I looked for Charlie's name on the end credits, but somehow they failed to mention him. :) Wow, this film was BAD.